The River Esk and Coastal Streams Catchment Partnership are running a free Riverfly Monitoring workshop to train up volunteers to help monitor water quality in the River Esk Catchment.
The workshop, led by river entomologist and expert fly-fisherman Stuart Crofts, will cover how to collect water samples from the river and how to identify key aquatic invertebrates, so it will be a great day for anyone interested in the great outdoors and wildlife.
Once you are a trained volunteer we ask that you help us by committing to monitoring a small area of the river. It's really straightforward - you will be allocated a site that suits you and then you collect six samples (once a month from May to October) and see what you find.
Booking is essentital as spaces are limited.
For further details please visit the Yorkshire Esk Rivers Trust website.
We look forwards to seeing you there!