A local celebration to show appreciation of the work of the Armed Forces with a Veterans Tea Party on Friday 23 June. The event begins with a commemeration service at 11 am, buffet lunch from noon and dancing, singing, games and reminiscence recordings until 3 pm. All veterans, particularly older veterans and their families/carers are welcome. Please contact Trinity Centre, Flowergate, Whitby YO21 3BA to book your place. Tel: 01947 601548. Email: info@trinitycentrewhitby.org
Trinity Centre provides a unique service to the elderly and elderly disabled of Whitby and the surrounding villages in an atmosphere of care, respect and friendship.
We provide a nutritious two course lunch that is cooked on the premises. We cater for vegetarian, diabetic and gluten free diets.
A range of activities are on offer monthly, including arts and crafts, guest speakers, reminiscence groups, computer classes, quizzes, games all whilst having a general get together for a chat and a laugh!
We also have regular 'Motivation' sessions to increase physical and mental well-being which are very popular!
After lunch we play dominoes and card bingo for a chance to win prizes. We also organise special seasonal celebrations and outings.
All activities are supported by well qualified activity and support staff as well as volunteers.
Trinity Centre is disabled friendly with wheelchair access and lift to the upper hall.