Whitby Film Society presents "Force Majeure," a deliciously chilling drama charting the aftershocks that tear through a middle-class skiing holiday following a life-chaging event in the Alps. Tomas and Ebba are a handsome, professional couple on a well-earned break with their two beautiful young children at a ski resort. The catastrophe happens when they are at an open-air mountaintop restaurant for lunch, enjoying the magnificent view. There is a loud and alarming bang, which, Tomas airily explains to his frightened wife and children, is merely to provoke controlled avalanches. Soon, an exciting tide wave of snow is whooshing directly towards them, and diners are taking pictures and videos on their phones.
But how controlled is it? Things can never be the same again. Tomas and Ebba can never un-see what they have seen, or undo what they have done, no matter how much they want to. Director Ostlund shows how this attitude makes the trauma worse - it is a poison that begins to destroy their whole conception of themselves.