Running every Friday through until 30th August, the 19:34 Northern Service out of Whitby will be the Music & Ale Train. Calling at all stations to Middlesbrough where it turns round and comes straight back, getting back into Whitby at 22:50. You can go the whole distance or hop off at one of the stations along the line to try out the local hostelries or go for a walk in the moors to take advantage of thes long summer evenings. No extra charge for the music and no need to book, but please buy a rail ticket before boarding.
These are the musicians we have lined up...
June 28th Serenity
5th Rory Holl
12th Dan Webster
19th Serenity
26th Sam Lenton
2nd Rory Holl
9th Dan Webster
16th MarkAtkinson
23rd Serenity
30th Sam Lenton